Book Review
Rocking the Boat is about variations of change and agents of change. Being instrumental in change requires making calculated decisions. Feeling ambivalent is to be expected as a tempered radical due to being in limbo between conformity and rebellion. The goal of a tempered radical is to successfully navigate between the two while working within the system. Rocking the Boat addresses three identities that cause for differential treatment and invites change: Race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender. When confronted with injustices within a system directly related to these identities, many people choose to conform because of the risk of exclusion. Where as, tempered radicals are compelled to act because the cost of conformity is debited to their soul.
Tempered radicals are everyday leaders. They are in every walk of life on every level. tempered radicals can defend themselves or others that are being negatively affected. Once they decided to rock the boat, they have to choose a method to make a difference and wait for the harvest of change.
Tempered radicals are everyday leaders. They are in every walk of life on every level. tempered radicals can defend themselves or others that are being negatively affected. Once they decided to rock the boat, they have to choose a method to make a difference and wait for the harvest of change.
How Am I Different? |
I can identify with having different social identities and philosophical differences. Discussing differences is a sensitive issue so I will be direct and socially sensitive. My “self” is different than mainstream America as I am minority and a woman. My “self” is also different in respect to my sacred religious beliefs. I have regular conflicts between conformity and rebellion in association with being different. Meyerson mentions choosing to be silent in not a sign of weakness, but a sign of wisdom. I am choosing to discuss this at a later time.
Facing Challenges
Tempered radicals and those who conform both face challenges. Challenges are apart of life. Responding to the challenge is what determines your life’s fulfillment. The difficulty of feeling ambivalent can be soften by finding others that share the same values. Remembering the goal for becoming an agent of change will also lessen the psychological strains associated with ambivalence. Potential damage to my reputation is another challenge that will confront me as a tempered radical. The risk of being viewed as a “one-issue” person. I would have to evaluate my cause often and emphasis the importance to focus to be successfully. Therefore, being focused is a good attribute. Expecting these challenges is part of the preparation for the challenges. Keeping the end in mind will fuel the battle towards change and surrounding myself with support from others as a life vest. Lastly, using psychological armor will help defend against various challenges. Psychological armor is knowing how to channel frustration and not allowing my emotions to control me.